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Our Newest Writers

By: Rose Ramadan

GUESS WHAT! ZIPLOC has two new writers, and we want you to meet them.
Today there was a new quiz created by our second ever ZIPLOC writer--Annika T. Annika has been a leet member for roughly a week, and has the passion to write about fashion! No, her fashion articles have yet to come out. But her sense of style is leet as can be. Annika enjoys soccer and kale chips. If you want to read her articles, check in Tuesday to hear her leetest fashion tips and opinions.
The second new ZIPLOC writer we have is Addi N--who’s birthday is coming up super soon! We’re super excited to celebrate her--in fact, she shares a birthday with Jimmy Fallon. Addi loves youtube and her dog, Aspen.
In honor of Addi’s birthday, we’re also going to quick dip into Shane Dawson’s new video: a documentary about Jake Paul. Addi’s articles are soon to come about her thoughts/opinions about this.


  1. Wow Rose! That was a great post! I love your attention to detail and your tone! I will def continue to read your articles!


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