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How To Acheive The Leetest Version of Yourself

No matter one’s leet status, they can ever be leet enough. You could be a thousand percent leet and still need more leetness. (Plus, there is no one as leet as Queen Clarice, our savior.) If you want to raise your leet status, you can change both your lifestyle and frame of mind. Here’s how to change your lifestyle to reach maximum leetness:
-Ignore anyone who isn’t leet enough.
-Eat only food that is leet.
-Wear clothing that projects your leetness.
-Walk through the halls with a leet additude.
-Have a super leet necklace you wear and whenever some one is being not leet and rude, just wave your leet necklace in their faces and walk off.
-Flip your hair (or ponytail) in a super leet way.
Here’s how to change your mindset to reach maximum leetness:
-Think only leet thoughts
-Act on these leet thoughts
-Get yourself a leet radar
-Dream in leet
And that, my friends, is how to be leet.


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